Telco Accessories Group (TAG)

TAG develops and sells mobile accessories.


In portfolio since December 2017


Growth & Buy out

Add ons

  • Knaldeals (Just in Case)
  • Linq byELEMENTS
  • Njord byELEMENTS

About TAG

TAG, founded in 2008, develops and sells mobile accessories under its own brands Xtorm, Gecko Covers, Linq byELEMENTS, Njord byElements en Just in Case.

TAG pursues a House of Brands strategy and focuses its brands on the themes of Power, Protect & Connect.

By continually responding to the latest trends and innovations, TAG has been able to market top-quality sustainable products for 12 years. For the high quality and design, the products have regularly won awards such as the RedDot Design Award and the High-Tech Award.

Why are we investing in TAG?

The investment enables TAG to realize its growth ambitions both organically and through a buy-and-build strategy. The company will focus on acquiring mobile accessory providers and developing its own technologies that will expand product offerings.

“TAG bevindt zich in een omvangrijke markt, waarbinnen zij een groot netwerk én goede positie bij online en offline retailers en marktplaatsen heeft. Daarnaast biedt de uitgebreide product kennis binnen TAG een geweldige kans om inhouse technologieën te ontwikkelen. Samen met het management, willen wij TAG laten uitgroeien tot een technologie gedreven House of Brands met een breed assortiment”, aldus Hubert Verbeek, Managing Partner Holland Capital.

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Telco portfolio company Holland Capital

“We are ready to work out a buy-and-build strategy. In this, we see in Holland Capital a partner with a lot of experience who can take our organization to the next stage.”

Technology portfolio

Krijn Taconiskade 426
1087 HW Amsterdam
+31 (0) 20 3119411


Königsallee 42
40212 Düsseldorf
+49 (0) 211 96290120