Environmental, Social and governance

Sustainable Development Goals
and ESG Development Goals

As an investor, we bear responsibility. We are aware of the impact of our activities. To ensure that we act in a responsible manner, and that we offer our shareholders and entrepreneurs responsible returns and support, Holland Capital holds an environmental, social and governance (ESG) policy.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 goals developed by the United Nations that serve as a global compass for sustainable development. Holland Capital’s focus on Healthcare, Technology and Agrifood specifically relates to SDG 3 Good Health and Well-Being. Furthermore we have embraced 3 additional SDG’s, being Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8), Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10) and Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12).

ESG-Development Goals

As Holland Capital we have converted the selected SDG’s into 5 main ESG objectives, these are:

1. Stimulate health and wellbeing;
2.Stimulate diversity and equal opportunity, regardless of sex and background;
3. Stimulate good and transparent entrepreneurship, guided by ethical principles;
4. Increase economic productivity by innovation, technological modernisation and creativity; and
5. Limit the use of natural resources and decrease the emittance of greenhouse gases.

As an investor, we bear responsibility. We are aware of the impact of our activities. To ensure that we act in a responsible manner, and that we offer our shareholders and entrepreneurs responsible returns and support, Holland Capital holds an environmental, social and governance (ESG) policy.

As Holland Capital we have converted the selected SDG’s

into 5 main ESG objectives, these are:


Stimulate health and wellbeing;


Stimulate diversity and equal opportunity, regardless of sex and background;


Stimulate good and transparent entrepreneurship, guided by ethical principles;


Increase economic productivity by innovation, technological modernisation and creativity; and


Limit the use of natural resources and decrease the emittance of greenhouse gases.

These 5 objectives are central in the ESG approach of Holland Capital throughout the entire investment process.


To emphasize the importance of ESG, Holland Capital has committed itself to a membership to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), initiated by the United Nations (www.unpri.org).

Moreover, Holland Capital is an affiliate of the ‘Nederlandse Vereniging van Participatiemaatschappijen‘ (NVP) and the ‘Bundesverband Beteiligungskapital’ (BVK) and endorses the code of conduct of these associations which serve as the basis for all its activities.

We are convinced of the importance of actively contributing to society. That is why we have a partnership with NL Cares. NL Cares inspires people and businesses to allocate their time, skills and efforts to tackle the challenges of today. Their mission is to let everyone contribute to a better world with the help of their network and dedicated tools.
In addition, Holland Capital supports the IMC Weekend School Foundation, which aims to educate all young people in the Netherlands, specifically where it is most needed, of all school levels, in such a way that they can be motivated to find their place in society.

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)

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1087 HW Amsterdam
+31 (0) 20 311 94 11


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40479 Düsseldorf
+49 (0) 211 43 63 69 01